Chord bar

This command shows or hides the Chord bar. This toolbar lets you quickly edit chords within the current song, or change the default chord if no song is open. You can also use the chord bar to change which scale and mode are associated with a given chord, but note that this affects all instances of that chord type in all songs, because you're effectively editing the corresponding definition in the chord dictionary. The chord bar's properties are further explained in the table below. Note that "current chord" refers either to the chord at the current song position, or if no song is open, to the default chord.

RootThis changes the current chord's root.
TypeThis changes the current chord's type.
BassThis changes the current chord's bass note. Note that if '*' is selected, the bass note is the same as the root.
KeyThis displays the current chord's key, which depends on its type, scale and mode.
ScaleThis changes the scale in the chord dictionary definition corresponding to the current chord.
ModeThis changes the mode in the chord dictionary definition corresponding to the current chord.

Undo/redo is supported within the chord bar, but note that since the bar can modify two different documents (the song and the chord dictionary), the behavior of undo/redo depends on which of the bar's drop lists has focus. If you've changed the scale or mode of a chord type, you'll be prompted to save your chord dictionary changes when you exit the application.

Chord bar properties have corresponding MIDI targets which allow them to be remotely controlled via MIDI. This is particularly useful for creating a song spontaneously (with no song open) by changing the default chord while you play. Note that the chord bar supports MIDI learn; while learn is enabled, you can assign a MIDI message to a chord bar property by selecting its corresponding drop list and then moving the desired MIDI control.